A Passion for Heritage, a Passion for Tradition

Ever since I can remember bagpipe music, tartans and ceilidhs have surrounded me. My grandmother on my father’s side and my grandfather on my mother’s side were both from Scotland. They were both bagpipers and Gaelic singers and my grandfather was also a Highland dancer.
My mother’s family and my father’s family were brought together by their common love for Scotland. My mother left Scotland and came to Canada when she was five years old and even started playing the bagpipes at the age of 10. My parents first met when my mother was 10 years old and my father was 16. Years later at a St. Andrew’s dance their paths crossed again and the rest, as they say, is history. With such a strong passion for their heritage, it only made sense to instill the same pride in their two daughters.
My parents saw me taking an interest in the bagpipes at an early age, so when I was nine my started to teach me. My sister and I went to the Antigonish Highland Games every year and were exposed to every Scottish day we could possibly celebrate. When we were younger we never really understood the meaning of such days or why we paid tribute to them. To us these were just days to celebrate with singing and dancing with family and friends around the community. It wasn’t until we were older that we began understand the importance of these occasions and why we should take it upon ourselves to help keep these traditions alive.
My father was our own historian. He would tell us stories of our ancestors, their customs, values, the battles that took place, as well as their accomplishments. When you learn that your ancestors fought and gave their lives to keep their own culture from dying it instills one with a sense of duty to make sure the traditions of those before you do not disappear. Knowing your own history and appreciating your own culture and its traditions allows you to have an appreciation for others cultures and traditions. You realize that every group of people in this world have fought and endured many hardships just to ensure their culture lives on.
So, when asked if the passing on of tradition is important, I say most definitely. From individual to individual traditions will vary but the key message to all of them is this: tradition is something which keeps us connected with each other and teaches us the importance of coming together as a human race to celebrate not only our differences but also what we have in common. Like the great Marcus Garvey said, “a people without a knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
Written by: Cairista MacIsaac
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